Yanex Technology
Operating Principles
Pulsed Xenon Lamp
A pulsed xenon lamp is basically a quartz tube with electrodes welded on its ends and filled with xenon, a harmless noble gas.
Due to electric discharge of several thousand ampere, xenon inside the quartz envelope is heated to 10,000-15,000 К. The resulting xenon plasma generates a bright flash of light, in spectral structure similar to the Sun. The lamp generates repeating short (10-4 sec) light flashes with the frequency of several hertz.

In biomembranes
Photooxydation of lipids visibly damages the membrane (breaches its integrity causing cytoplasm efflux) which therefore loses its barrier function.

The synergy of the said mechanisms of microorganisms’ inactivation (high intensity and photochemical degrading of DNA molecules and cell membrane) by pulsed UV light of continuous spectrum leads to full microorganisms’ destruction with high efficiency (99.9%-100%) within shortest time (from 30 seconds).
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Contact: Medical Device Technologies
Address: Unit 9 170 Montague Road South Brisbane QLD 4101
Email: info@medicaldevicetechnologies.com.au
Phone: 1300 723 769