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Portable pulsed xenon UV unit “Yanex-5” is intended for simultaneous indoor air and open surfaces disinfection in rooms of up to 100 m3 with 99.99% efficiency from bacteria, including their antibiotic-resistant strains (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii), C. difficile spores, MDR/XDR-TB, viruses and fungi.

The units operate in the absence of people and animals.

SKU: SKU0000099 Category:

Yanex-5 Description

The units are used for urgent and routine disinfection in rooms of any cleanness grade or category:

At healthcare facilities;

At living and public spaces;

In places of mass gathering (railway stations, airports, hotels, restaurants, fitness centres etc);

At manufacturing facilities.

Portable pulsed UV unit for air and surfaces disinfection “Yanex-5” is the most space-effective device with a pulsed xenon lamp generating continuous spectrum UV light, and comprises the following components:

Portable case with a detachable protective cover with electrical power, control and monitoring units safely positioned inside the damage-proof frame;
Lamp assembly (pulsed xenon lamp) placed over the UV reflecting aluminum surface. For transportation, it is protected by the detachable cover.

Sensor remote control in form of a mobile phone is intended for turning the unit on and off in emergency situations from outside the treated room.

Sensor control panel and remote control can:

Display contact information of the manufacturer;

Display detailed information on existing operating modes, and set desired parameters for air and surfaces disinfection;

Display information on the unit and the lamp;

Store parameters of treated rooms;

Choose a previously stored room from the list;

Display all performed disinfection cycles;

Send the disinfection cycles log (or sorted data) to a network or Wi-Fi printer;

Transfer the disinfection cycles’ data to a computer through special software supplied with the unit;

Start the unit;

Immediately stop the light generation;

Display the time remaining till the disinfection cycle end;

Display information on all malfunctions during the unit operation.

Before the unit starts generating light pulses, a sound warning to leave the room is given for safety considerations.

The unit is protected by a registered trademark of the manufacturer.

Technical Specifications



Disinfection range with 99,99 % efficiency for 1 cycle

Up to 3 m/36 m² room

Light source

Pulsed xenon ultraviolet lamp

Electric power supply

230 V, 50 Hz

Power consumption

300 W at most

Delay after the START button is pressed before actual light pulses generation

At least 20 seconds


Sensor control panel and remote control

Safety conformance

IEC 61010-1:2010

International standards compliance

CE, ISO 9001-2015, ISO 13485:2015

Operating Modes

The unit has a computer-aided control system that allows custom operating modes for disinfecting surfaces with germicidal efficiency of 99.99 % and more.

The operator only needs to input the distance to the furthest point of the surface to be treated on the control panel or remote control. At that, all the area closer than the set distance, including the air, will be disinfected with even higher efficiency.

The unit automatically calculates the time required to reach the 99.99 % efficiency at the set distance.

Guaranteed Efficiency

The unit is able to disinfect the surfaces in presence of any organic load (blood, sputum, saliva, urine) without losing the 99.99 % efficiency.

Specific times of air and surfaces disinfection with 99.99% efficiency


An example of decontamination efficiency on various open surfaces against S. aureus, as well as in presence of organic load at 2-meters’ distance (Scientific Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor, 2016)


Microbiology study report of Analytical Laboratory Services “Aminolab Ltd”, Israel 2020. 4 log=99.99 %


Built-in sensors in real-time mode monitor:

Germicidal flow of the pulsed lamp, as well as sustain it on the preset level;

Unit’s operating, and correct it in case of any disturbance in the preset parameters.

Portable medical device for air and surfaces decontamination by Melitta has proved its undeniable efficiency and irreplaceability for disinfecting different rooms, especially at facilities with high attendance by clients and patients. Just several minutes are enough for the “Yanex-5” unit to disinfect a doctor’s office with 99.99 % efficiency in between patients’ visits.

Presently, this is the only solution for disinfecting frequently visited rooms within shortest time and without disturbing their normal operational schedule.

The innovative portable pulsed ultraviolet unit by Melitta will sustain the highest disinfection quality at all times!